Tag Archive | skull

September part 2

There’s something in the name, but I never met a bad one.
Most people need their chorus in their head –
their flock of angels who will comment and condemn,
occasionally lend the loving voices they’re replacing.
I hear you ain’t got none, or was that a myth?
How much of you is real? If it’s all impossible,
your logic like a steel skull and utter lack of hesitation
in the presence of articulate consideration – goddamn, godbless
you make it look so easy. Midnight shuffle, soft clucking
like ladies’ nails on a wooden desk, slatted blinds, the little fan
stirs the air above the bed that across the sea is promising the future.
Legacy and honor. What if you just don’t want to go? It’s a permanent trip,
and there are no phone calls. In the end all travelers ask why,
but we are all travelers. The eldest among us are still babies:
Everybody is afraid.
Everybody feels alone sometimes.
Everybody just needs to love and be loved in return.
At the end of the day, gathering up our lesson books, I think
we head off into a brilliant summer and wait for our mates
from other schools on other seasons to join us. Jesus,
there’s still nothing that makes it easy, is there?
But in the question is the answer and the
only reason for prayer:
health, happiness, peace and love,
for everybody, please.