Tag Archive | party

Jesus and the Deep Fat Fryer

What keeps mankind alive?


With little, the many will feed.
Thank God, we got the wine.
Jesus brought a deep fat fryer
to the party, where everybody’s
done working, call it resting, talking
about getting by and the high
cost of living: whose body
in the honest bread is
sending visions; it
feeds the mind
(the soul follows)
out of its hibernating
into its limitlessness –
Jesus’s in the kitchen,
kickin’ it,
like you do
loving up a meal.
A kind lady with
love in her eyes
is playing guitar,
and nobody’s got no hang ups,
but somehow everybody’s cool.

There will be only truthful kisses tonight,
and tomorrow and tomorrow – whatever
we have sits like a bubble between
our lips – so, baby, maybe, it’s
least remarkable of all miracles,
complicated but real:
no need to be afraid.
There really is enough
to feed every gnawing hunger,
soothe all that festers, bless
and lesson. The party’s over.
Jesus and his lady went home
with the fryer, leaving oil traces
and lots of leftovers to go round.

Read about Jesus Toast.